Moonstone Raven Spell Bottles
These spell bottles are hand crafted by Calgary local artist Marie-Nōel, The Canadian Christmas Witch!
Protection Spell Bottles
Created on the full moon using herbs and crystals that hold protective properties.
These protection spell bottles can be carried with you or placed somewhere close to you to keep a protective energy in your vicinity. Work with it by cleansing and charging it with selenite as protective charms need to be recharged often since they work so hard to absorb the negative energy around you. Work with it so it holds some of your energy. Activate it by holding it in your hand and visualizing yourself safe and secure surrounded with light. Imagine the darkness receding and being pushed away by the light you have surrounded yourself with.
Once you’ve finished activating the manifestation, you can put it in a pocket, purse or a bag you are keeping with you, or place it on a desk or nightstand if that is where you feel you need protection.
You can keep selenite with it to keep it constantly charged.
Remember to keep working with the manifestation to keep it active and connected to you.
Prosperity Spell Bottles
Created during the New moon and waxing moon cycles, using herbs and crystals that represent prosperity, money and abundance.
These prosperity spell bottles can be carried with you or placed somewhere close to you to keep the prosperous energy in your vicinity. Work with it by cleansing and charging it with selenite so the crystals are constantly seeking to attract abundance to you. Work with it so it holds some of your energy. Activate it by holding it in your hand and visualizing yourself having the prosperity you seek.
It is important to remember to visualize it as if it is already yours, and you already have what you are seeking. Change the way you speak about your abundance so that you are working with the spell bottle to attract it to you. For example; don’t use words like “I can’t afford that” or “I’m so broke” Try changing it to “We can work towards making that a part of our budget” and “I have money on the way” or “I am making that happen”.
Once you’ve finished activating the manifestation, you can keep it with you or put it where you work or create to connect the prosperity spell to the things you do to make money, this will keep it working with you.
Love Spell Bottles
Created during the New moon and waxing moon cycles, using herbs and crystals that represent love, both self love and romantic love.
These love spell bottles can be carried with you or placed somewhere close to you to keep the love energy in your vicinity. Work with it by cleansing and charging it with selenite so the crystals are constantly seeking to bring love to you. Work with it so it holds some of your energy. Activate it by holding it in your hand and visualizing yourself with romantic love in your life, renewed romantic love or more love for yourself.
Visualize it like it's already yours.
For romantic love remember to never focus on a specific person, as you should never play with someone’s free will.
Once you’ve finished activating the manifestation, you can keep it with you or put it by your bedside or even have it with you during a ritual bath etc.
Use sound and colour magic to enhance this spell. Pink for self love and red for romantic love. Music that puts you in a romantic mood, or makes you feel empowered in loving yourself. These will help enhance the manifestation.
Nazar Spell Bottles
Created during the Full moon using herbs and crystals that help repel negative energy and protect you from malicious intentions.
These spell bottles can be carried with you or placed somewhere that you are feeling a particularly strong negative energy.
Nazar, or "The Evil Eye" is traditionally an ancient centuries old curse that still exists today and is meant to send bad luck your way through an evil glare. It is normally sent by someone who is jealous of you and wants to cause you harm.
These spell bottles are meant to protect you from this curse.
The eye represents a shield that reflects ill will back onto the onlooker.
The herbs and crystals amplify this protection.
You need to keep this charm cleansed and charged for full potency. This can easily be done with selenite.
Work with the spell by visualizing anything negative bouncing off of your auric shield.